So what's next, you might ask (or might not).
My favorite part was figuring out the HTML and CSS, and while I do love writing, I'm gonna have to find a way to do both! So, I'll keep looking for new things to implement while still mostly keeping a similar aesthetic. But that's the hard part.
Most things that I find cool about HTML and CSS are new-ish features, which allow for cool layouts that translate well to mobile, but that's the polar opposite of a retro, Y2K vibe.
I also want to talk about other stuff here! I'll try to keep the HTML and CSS talk for the devlog.
I think before I post on the blog again, I'll try to populate the other sections of this site, like the music and movies sections, but they require a bit of initial setup and I frankly wasn't feeling up to it today!
Ok I'll stop here. Btw, I'd love to join a webring! I think I'd be a good fit for either a beginner developer ring, or a Y2K ring. Ok that's it bye!