FIRST BLOG ENTRY!! YAYYY! Finally I got this whole thing WORKING!
So, I'll just introduce myself real quick:
I'm Kegg, I'm 23 with a bachelor's degree in who-knows-what, & I'm a chronically online language & movie nerd. I've been aware of the internet since I was about 5 ― for Guitar Hero cheat codes and to watch les Têtes à claques ― and I've been immersed since I was 11 (Minecraft honestly).
About a month ago, I got "hired" by my friend's acquaintance to redesign his website through a website builder. I was confident that I could do it, solely because I'm stubborn and can learn any computer-related skill if I try hard enough, and I would've definitely designed a decent-looking website if it weren't for his meddling ghosting.
But that was a net positive because it nudged me towards (re)learning HTML and CSS! And this website is a product of that.
I started by making little projects by following YouTube tutorials, and 2 weeks ago, I made a cute little welcome page for when I open my browser with useful links and... it was in the Windows 2000 style like THIS website!
With almost no experience and without a reference website, it was HARD and MESSY, but I managed to make something I was proud of. So, when I heard of neocities, I knew it was my chance to make something cleaner that I'd be comfortable sharing with the public and that I'd continue to update for a while.
While this is far from perfect, I'm happy with the result, and with how easy this is to edit, hopefully I'll be active on here!
First entry over.
See you soon? :)